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4 FAQs

A migraine is a headache that often affects one side of the head  and can be extremely painful, throbbing, or pulsating. It frequently comes with high sensitivity to light and sound as well as nausea and vomiting. The pain from a migraine attack can be so intense that it interferes with your regular activities and can persist for hours or even days.

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Advice for Migraine

A lot of people experience  symptoms like feeling or being unwell, as well as increased sensitivity to light or sound.

Around 1 in 5 women and 1 in 15 men suffer from migraines, making it a widespread medical disease. Early adulthood is typically when they start.

There are various migraine subtypes, including:

migraine with aura: When particular warning symptoms, such as seeing flashing lights, appear soon before the migraine starts.
The most frequent type of migraine is one without an aura, in which there are no distinct warning symptoms.
When a migraine aura or other migraine symptoms are present but a headache does not materialize, this condition is referred to as a silent migraine.
Some people can get migraines up to several times per week. Others only occasionally experience migraines. There could be years between migraine attacks.

Your clinician will enquire about your medical history and symptoms. Keeping a diary of your symptoms and any triggers you've identified may be helpful. Put down:

  • What signs you experience, including any pain
  • When do you have them?
  • Length of time
  • Other migraine-prone family members
  • Your entire medication and supplement regimen, including over-the-counter medications
  • Additional medications you recall taking in the past

To rule out other potential causes of your symptoms, your doctor may prescribe testing, such as: A blood test, MRIs and CT scans, and Electroencephalogram (EEG) (EEG)

Although there is no known cure for migraines, there are several therapies that might help lessen the symptoms.

  • Triptans - are medications that can help reverse the changes in the brain that may induce migraines
  • Painkillers - including over-the-counter medications like paracetamol and ibuprofen.
  • Anti-emetics - are drugs that are frequently used to aid patients who are feeling queasy or ill (nausea).

Many people discover that lying down or napping during an attack might be beneficial.

Avoiding a certain trigger, such as stress or a particular meal, may help lower your risk of developing migraines if you believe it to be the cause of your headaches.


Maintaining a generally healthy lifestyle, such as regular exercise, sleep, and meals, as well as making sure you stay hydrated and limiting your intake of alcohol and caffeine, may also be helpful.

If you experience frequent, severe migraines or if you've tried to avoid potential triggers but are still having symptoms, your clinician may recommend medication to help you avoid further attacks.

The first several weeks may be necessary for your migraine symptoms to start getting better.

Migraine FAQs (4)

Actually, neck discomfort ranks third among migraine symptoms, not far behind the top two (with number one being a headache). According to statistics, 75% of migraine sufferers also have neck pain. In many instances, the discomfort even begins in the person's neck and radiates up to their head, where it causes the headache to begin. Even medical professionals occasionally fail to recognize the link between neck pain and migraines.


Despite the fact that about 20–25% of migraine sufferers experience it, having an aura 20–30 minutes before to your headache can help you identify a migraine. Before a migraine, there is a visual symptom called an aura. During an aura, you could notice light patterns like wavy, zigzag, or crosshatch lines.

A illness of aberrant function in the context of normal brain structure is migraine. An MRI of the brain only provides information on the brain's structure; it provides very little information about how the brain works. And for this reason, a migraine won't appear on an MRI. because it functions abnormally in the context of a normal structure.

Some people find that migraines are extremely incapacitating. In actuality, it ranks as the second most common cause of disability globally. Along with pain, other symptoms that can be incapacitating include sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, and vomiting.