




Valaciclovir (Valtrex)

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Valaciclovir (Valtrex)

Category:Cold Sore

Buy Valaciclovir 500mg and Relieve Yourself from Cold Sore

We sell both branded and generic medication for curing cold sores. Both medicines contain the same ingredient; the only difference is the price. The branded one is slightly more expensive than the generic one. Buy Valtrex online and get relief against cytomegalovirus, varicella zoster, and herpes simplex virus. It is an oral medication that works within 48 hours if taken on the onset of genital herpes.

Medication Features:

  • Proven Treatment: For Cold Sores & Genital Herpes
  • Onset of Action: Within 48 hours of the onset of the Virus
  • Age Recommendations: Suitable for 12+ Years
  • Dosage Guidance: For Cold Sore - 200mg twice daily; For Genital Herpes - 1000mg for 10 days, 500mg for 3 days, 1000mg once/day
  • Active Ingredient: Valaciclovir

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More Information Before You Buy Valaciclovir 500mg

  • Generic Name: Cefixime & Azithromycin


Valaciclovir is a medication for treating viral infections caused by to herpes simplex virus. The initial indication of Valaciclovir 500mg includes treating cold sores, initial and recurrent genital herpes, and suppression of genital herpes.

Mechanism of Action

Valtrex 500mg tablets are an antiviral medication that inhibits the herpes simplex virus in the body. It interferes with the DNA of the virus, preventing it from growing and spreading. As a result, the virus is controlled, and symptoms are suppressed.

Dosage and Administration

  • Buy Valaciclovir 500mg and take it four times a day for ten days during the initial episode
  • Buy Valaciclovir 500mg and take it twice daily for 3 days when recurrent episode
  • When suppression of recurrent episodes, take 500mg twice daily for a single day
  • For cold sores, just buy Valaciclovir tablets (2000mg) and take them twice daily for a single day.


Valaciclovir 500mg is an effective treatment for herpes infections. It reduces the severity and duration of the symptoms, speeds up the healing process, and reduces the transmission risk. 

Side Effects

There are common side effects of Valaciclovir 500 mg, including nausea, dizziness, headache, and abdominal pain. In rare events, diarrhea may be one of the side effects.


Those individuals with hypersensitivity to Valaciclovir or acyclovir should not continue the medication. They should consult their doctors so that their doctors can adjust the course.

Warnings and Precautions

  • Individuals with kidney problems should carefully monitor their dosage
  • For weak immune systems, patients should consult with their doctors
  • Take appropriate preventive measures during sexual activity since Valaciclovir does not prevent transmission

Frequently Asked Questions for Valaciclovir (Valtrex)

Where can I buy Valaciclovir 500mg?

You can buy Valaciclovir 500 Tablets from any online verified pharmacy store. It is a prescription-based medication, so some stores might charge for a prescription, but if you buy from us, you do not need to worry about prescription charges. Plus, you can expect faster delivery.

Can I buy Valtrex online?

Yes, you buy Valtrex online only because it is a prescription-only medicine for herpes simplex virus. You cannot buy it over the counter.

What if I miss the Valaciclovir dose?

You need to take it immediately if you have missed the dose of Valtrex drug. If it is time for a second dose, skip the first one and continue as per the doctor’s prescription.

What is the expected duration of my treatment with Valacyclovir?

It could range from a single day to weeks, and it entirely depends on how your body reacts to the medication. If you have a strong immune system, it may not take much longer to recover from cold sores or herpes.

Will Valacyclovir cure my herpes infection?

No, Valaciclovir does not cure herpes infection; it just suppresses the symptoms and reduces severity and outbreak frequency.

What can I do to reduce the risk of transmission to my partner during sexual activity?

  • Inform your partner about the outbreak
  • Use condoms
  • Avoid sexual intercourse without precautions